Yesterday, I went to Bled. My friend Tim Dodd is here in Klagenfurt right now. He's enjoying himself on a 3 week tour of Europe, traveling the whole way in a rental car. The nice thing about a car is, you don't have scheduled departures and arrivals like plains, trains, and buses. We woke up yesterday and decided to drive somewhere. He's taking photos along the way, so we chose to go to Bled, a city less than an hour away from here, but just happens to be in a different country, Slovenia. We weren't sure about the legalities of bringing the rental car into Slovenia, but we went anyways. The trip started at 11 am, and I had to be back by 2 pm in order to finish writing an essay. The drive was beautiful, passing through the Alps along the Loiblpass. I would highly recommend taking that pass if you ever get the chance because your mind will be blown by the beauty of mountains and hillsides unlike anything you've ever seen. We arrived in Bled, took some pictures of a castle at a lake, then turned around to get back to Austria. The trip was short, but it's pretty cool to arrive at class and say that you were in a different country that morning. I like it, at least.
a very nice photo. i didn't get your text until too late to skype. I love you T. Miss you. Mom