Monday, January 25, 2010

not much

I don’t really know what to write tonight. Maybe that means I shouldn’t write anything, but I feel I have to write something so you know I’m ok. If I didn’t write anything, your mind might be wandering for the next 24 hours about my health and whereabouts. I know you all worry about me, so I am writing. Today was the first day of DTS lecture. The speaker for the school missed a flight, though, so the day was kind of thrown together last minute; kind of like this post. My mind is just wondering right now. Everything is good in the castle. People keep asking me if I’ve decided to stay forever. They even gave me a staff application. It hurts every time to tell them I have to leave. I bought my train ticket today and made a hostel reservation. That was about the only thing I got done during the light hours. There is too much going on around me for me to be writing right now, and I’m really tired. Sorry this post is so short. Maybe tomorrow will be longer. It’s time for me to go. I have some chocolate to eat.