Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thank you Herrnhut

Tonight is my last night in Germany. I board a train to Salzburg tomorrow at 11 am, and my adventure continues. You're probably tired of reading the word adventure, but I don't know how else to describe this craziness that I'm experiencing right now. It's unplanned madness, and I think adventure is the only word fitting. My time here in Herrnhut has been wonderful. I had no clue it would be like it was. I came here with no expectations, and I'm leaving with another part of my love missing. The castle has taken a chunk of my passion, and I'm afraid I won't ever get it back until I return. I am fully expecting to return here somehow. I don't know when, and I don't know how, but I know that this is not the end of my relationship with this place and these people.

We had an American cuisine dinner tonight. I had a hamburger and milkshake. The food was great, but the atmosphere really made the night amazing. We spent the whole evening in the cafe talking. There were a lot of us; probably 40 or 50. Tons of little conversations could be found in every corner of the room. It was just one big family eating together. I loved it, and I'm happy it happened on my last night. Some of the people here prepared a card for me to take with. The only problem is, the card is huge. They wrote on a giant piece of cardboard. It's really huge. I don't know what I'm going to do with it. It's even too big to ship home. I was surprised by the gesture, but it goes along with the great things these people have already given me. I can't say enough how great I've been treated since I've been here.

I think if I write more, it will just be a lot of sad words. I am excited to finally get to Austria, but I'm a little sad that I won't be getting to Klagenfurt until Sunday. Salzburg is a great city, but I will be alone. I am sad to leave here. As always, tears of joy accompany tears of sorrow. I have lots of hope that the future will only contain days better than anything I've yet to experience. I have to pack now. All of my belongings, both clothes and items, are strewn across my giant room. There is no order, and there is no floor space. My stuff is everywhere, so I should start packing. It's pretty late, and I have to get up early. My next entry won't be until Salzburg. I'm looking forward to telling you the story of how I get there. Have a good afternoon America. Have a good night Herrnhut. I will miss you greatly. You have changed my life, and I owe you so much.


  1. Thomas, we love you and miss you! Have fun at school, it will be just as amazing too!
